The Inverted Tower

The Mage Entrc has protected the village of Dramathis for the last several centuries. The elders fear this ended Thursday past after the thunderous calamity of that afternoon. It is not known exactly what occurred though a few points are certain. The Mage Entrc failed to appear for his regular roundtable with the elders on … Read moreThe Inverted Tower

GaryCon 2020

I will be attending my fourth GaryCon in late March, 2020. Hotel is booked, just waiting for badge registration and event submission to open. Games are now submitted and approved. Left a little more time to breath than I did for Gamehole Con. Now back to preparing for Gamehole Con. Will I see you there? … Read moreGaryCon 2020

GameholeCon 2019

I’m excited to be attending my 6th GameholeCon this fall in Madison, WI from October 31st to November 2rd, 2019. The convention goes through the 3rd, but as a general rule, I save convention Sundays for recovery wife time. This year I hope to run 37(!) hours of games over the three days I am … Read moreGameholeCon 2019

The Great Pumpkin Reunion

Twenty years have passed since high school graduation. During the intervening years, the gang moved away, raised families, and drifting apart. Gathering together on Halloween, the first time since Linus’s passing, they must confront the memories of his brutal death, and the childhood obsession that leads to it.

Splintered Realities